Holiday Season: Pancake Tuesday

Also known as MARDI GRAS!!

Mention Mardi Gras to anyone in Louisiana (or in Texas) and they imagine the packed streets of New Orleans in the week leading up to the event with green, purple, and gold beads everywhere.  And of course they imagine king cake in every possible flavor, decorating with these bright colors and icing.

However, growing up I knew never little about Mardi Gras.  My only knowledge of the Cajun culture was from this little restaurant called the Double Musky Inn in Girdwood, Alaska (very close to my hometown of Anchorage) that served Cajun food.  It was quite dark inside and I think it got crowded and wild later, which explained why my parents always had us leave by about 8…

Since that was all I knew about Cajun culture, I knew Mardi Gras growing up as Shrove Tuesday, but I really knew it as Pancake Tuesday more than anything else.  Pancake Tuesday, as the name implies, involves eating pancakes, and more specifically eating them for dinner.  Fat Tuesday is the last day to feast on richer foods like butter, sugar, and eggs before Lent begins.  Check out the fascinating rundown by BBC News on the history and significance behind these celebrations.  In a celebration analogous to Mardi Gras, the British celebrate Fat Tuesday with pancakes, not just making them, but also pancake races, including this race by UK Members of Parliament (see the feature photo at the top of this page as well).

While restaurants do a much better job making crepes than I do (much thinner certainly), it is the fun of the occasion that makes it worth doing.  Beside it is fun to have people over as part of the celebrations!  I always make basic crepes and then have orange slices and maple syrup on hand as toppings, and guests bring their favorite toppings.  The recipe I use is from Williams-Sonoma, and you can easily double or triple the recipe (I certainly do).

Ingredients (makes about 4 crepes – mine are a bit thicker)

  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon plain flour
  • 1/2 tablespoon melted unsalted butter plus more butter for cooking the pancakes
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt


  1. Combine the milk, egg, flour, melted butter, and salt in a bowl until smooth
  2. Cover and refrigerate overnight (if this is possible, otherwise refrigerate for a few hours)
  3. Put a pat of butter in the bottom of a medium sized frying pan, letting it melt and cover the pan evenly
  4. Tilt the pan at a slight angle and pour enough batter on the pan to completely cover the bottom of it (it may take a few attempts to get the right amount on the pan)
  5. Cook until the top of the crepe looks bubbly (should take just a minute or two)
  6. Flip the crepe and cook the other side for another minute or two – when do put on a plate to serve or store covered with foil to keep warm
  7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for each crepe, making sure to put a pat of butter on the bottom of the pan for every crepe before you starting making it

My favorite toppings are maple syrup and a squeeze of freshly sliced orange.  Nutella and fruit is always good, especially for kids.  If you like a more savory crepe you can put cheese or protein in the crepe.  Be creative!  If you are still slightly intimidated by the process of making crepes, check out YouTube as there are loads of good videos to help you learn the techniques!


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